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Interested in becoming a vendor?

Farmers on the Square is a vibrant, welcoming marketplace in which a community of producers and consumers nourishes our regional foodshed by celebrating superb and diverse agricultural products that reflect integrity. We have a record number of vendors participating in the market this season, and the community support and excitement about the quality and variety of products offered continues to grow.


Farmers on the Square is a local producer-only market. This means that all vendors must produce the products they sell, even if the ingredients are acquired elsewhere (producer-only); as well as that all items must be made within a 50-mile radius of Carlisle, PA, with ingredients sourced from other local producers wherever possible (local-only). Additionally, vendors' products must be food or drink items, or otherwise related to agricultural activities (for example, yarn from sheep's wool, flowers, or soaps or lotions made from farm-grown ingredients). Exceptions to these requirements will only be considered if a vendor's products fill a valuable niche that cannot be satisfied by any local producers, at the discretion of our Board of Directors.


We have 2 seasons for vendors: the Winter Season runs from January through April, and the Regular Season is May through December. Our market occurs every Wednesday of the year, except for the week of December 24 to January 1. Applications are made available approximately 4 months before the start of their respective market season and are due about 2.5 months out for weekly vendors, so that both the market and vendors have ample time to prepare once acceptance decisions have been finalized.


Occasional vendor applications may be submitted at any time, including after the beginning of the market season they are for. However, occasional vendors (also known as "guest vendors") may only attend a maximum of 1 market per month, and if their application is received after the regular deadline, we cannot guarantee a consistent location in the market and they may need to adjust to a new spot each time they attend.


All vendors must agree to follow our Market Rules & Operating Guidelines. Please read them by clicking here before agreeing to the rules in your application.​​

Additional Vendor Policies

After reading the information above, all potential vendors need to submit the following:

​​2025 Winter Market Season (January-April; as the deadline for this application has passed, you may only apply to attend once per month at most): Printable PDF Application OR Google Form Application


2025 Regular Market Season (May-December;(January-April; as the deadline for this application has passed, you may only apply to attend once per month at most): Printable PDF Application OR Google Form Application


2025 Spring Artisan Market (April 30th; applications due by April 2nd!) (Artisan vendors only, no food vendors!): Printable PDF Application OR Google Form Application


Only if applying as a member of a cooperative, in addition to the cooperative entity submitting the application above, each participant business must submit: Cooperative Stand Participant Form


Required supporting documents:

Insurance: 1 copy with list of additionally insured as outlined in the application. This may be submitted after acceptance to the market, but must be received before a vendor's first day at the market.

Required certifications (1 copy)

Any additional certifications (1 copy)


Do not send payment until you are accepted as a vendor and receive an invoice. However, full payment is required BEFORE making any sales during the season; therefore, you should pay on or before the day of your first scheduled market to ensure you are allowed to participate. Payment can be given to the Market Manager on any market day or mailed (in the form of a check) to the address below.


Please send completed application and supporting documents to

OR mail to (please do not send to the church!):


Farmers on the Square

PO Box 988
Carlisle PA 17013


Please retain a copy of your application for your records.

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